Thursday, June 25, 2009

Foxy round of Golf

Last night I arrived home at 6pm and it was still lovely and sunny. So I decided that it would be a good time for a round of golf. Seeing as we live literally 20meters from the Strawberry Hill golf course I couldn't see a reason not to. My wife arrived shortly after I did so I invited her along to enjoy the sunshine.
As usual the first hole went horribly and I actually almost picked up. So half determined we marched over to the next hole, which went a bit better and we spotted a fox. He was not very tame and on the next hole he sat watching me tee off before something on the other side of a bush caught his attention and he went jogging away.
I played another hole undisturbed before he made an appearance again. This time as I was trying to find a ball that I had hit into some impossible rough! He ran halfway across the fairway about 50 yards closer to the pin, stopped, sat down, and looked at me as if to say "You coming?!". I gave up looking for the ball and dropped, this was too much for my spectator and he jogged off into the bushes again.
As we arrived at the next hole we were rewarded by a rather strange yet grotesque site of a squirell jumping out of a bin with a dead rat! He gave us a look, apparently decided that we weren't a threat an sat there nibbling on the rats head for a second before squirreling up a tree. Mmm coming to think of it that may explain me and my wife having rather violent dreams that night...Anyway!
I teed off again (lost another ball but who's counting) and carried on unhindered for a round or 2 before just as I was about to chip onto the green on the 8th hole the fox decided to grace us with his presence again and sat down exactly in-between me and the pin with a look on his face of "so...". I paused to point him out to my wife was enough of a delay for him to get disinterested again. He saw a bird on the screen and took off after it halfheartedly.
We finsihed 9 holes and returned home having had a good dose of British wildlife. Gotta love summer.

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