Sunday, September 21, 2008

Twickenham Green Breakfast

A sunny Saturday was forecast on Monday and we crossed out figures and prayed that the forecast would not change. Some of the forecast for the rest of the week became slighty grayer and we had some gray days that should have been sunny but we kept hoping. All out wishing was rewarded by gloriously sunny day!

We are not the prone to hurrying on the weekend, and we seldom got out of the house before 12, even if we where going for breakfast. In fact most of our Saturday breakfasts happened between 11 and 12 but we managed an impressive 11 and decided to go for breakfast at the little coffee shop that stretched out over Twickenham green. You are able to sit on comfortable garden furniture and look out over the park. Some days they play cricket on the pitch located on the park but we only had a lawnmower moving lazily up and down the pitch preparing it possibly for an afternoon game. It was far enough away not to bother and the kids ran around and picked up acorns that were continuously falling out of the trees. We had a very close encounter with some acorns that landed on our table from the 10m drop off the tree before we decided to rather move our table a bit way from the tree. Much to the amazement of many of the regulars sitting around us. We had to move twice since in the first move we were rewarded with a loud clank as an acorn fell right on the chair where my fiance was about go sit down.
The food came quickly we enjoyed it and then out of sympathy for a family with 3 kids running around and standing in the queue we got up paid our waitress and walked accross the park to go sit on a bench overlooking the park.
We were however compelled to move shortly after when accorns rained down on the bench and hit my fiance square on the leg. I bet she has a nice little souvenour of our morning out. But all in all it was a nice and relaxing "morning" out.

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