Monday, February 9, 2009

February Snow in London while Australia heats up

Most people will remember last week. Most because they got a day off work, some because school was cancelled, and yet others for being able to build their first snowman. Which all in all put London in a better mood, neighbors taked, strangers had snow ball fights, couples got to go play outside in the snow and post their snowy accomplishments on facebook. It was a good day, at least for peoples spirits.
Unfortunately snow means amongst other things that its cold, very cold, and the week after the snow was bitterly cold helped allong with sleet and rain. It was cold ok (I think you get it). Yet somehow it was OK, as if the snow somehow promised that spring was on its way or it can only get better now, or at the very least, this is as bad as its going to get before it gets better.

At the same time we are struggling with the cold the Ausies seem to be struggling with the heat. I have some friends there who say people had similar days off because of the heat. Even the train-lines went down because the lines "buckled". So while we were covering up in layer after layer over there they had the fans on full. Good week for utility companies all around the world it seems. Unfortunately just like our snow and ice is causing some accidents on our roads, and some bruised knees (and more) this side, in Australia the heat wave seems to be a little more destructive with the great fires raging there that's killed more than a 100 people so far.

It really does make me wonder about how quickly we are going to have a real live version of "the Day after Tomorrow" situation. At least we all know to head for the library and start burning books. Then again UK will probably be 100 meters under water... So maybe saying that Australia wins this round.

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