Monday, October 6, 2008

The weekend factor

Monday mornings are always blue, some are more blue than others but only a lucky few people actually enjoys getting up early on a Monday morning after a lazy weekend to go sit in an office again.  But what makes a good weekend? Is it the spending a day in the sun, admittedly I love spending a day outside over the weekend which is made difficult when you have miserable weather all weekend. However it may also just be that you should be happily busy with non essential things. You need to be able to have a story at the end of your weekend, and it needs to involve something you did because you wanted to do it, not because you felt you needed to and it needs to be with someone you enjoy spending your time with. You also need to spend a fair amount of time doing this. Decent stories stretch over more than a couple of hours after all.
So all in all the sun does seem to have little to do with it, but you have to admit its a little harder having a great weekend if you don't feel like going past your front door. So there is your challenge for living in the UK. Find the courage to brave the weather to go somewhere where the weather doesn't matter and make something of your weekend!

After all, we all like a challenge, don't we?


Anonymous said...

wow, very special, i like it.

Anonymous said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

Daniel said...

which information? About the weekend? Comes from procrastinating on a Monday morning, lol. The climate stuff etc was google searches.